One of Poussin`s "Last Supper" paintings. Is that St. John, or is it Mary Magdalene?
(Double-click on image to enlarge).

Did he paint that beautifully French border as well? He was quite an artist! "Mary Magdalene" as seen by Don Rodrigo and Emma Calve on their trip to Rennes-le-Chateau. This is the plaster bas relief painted by the Abbe Berenger Sauniere himself from the altar inside of the RLC church.
"The walls of the church are covered with painted relief scenes in popular style - a rather unconventional series of the Stations of the Cross, and, above the confessional, a representation of Christ on the Mount. Sauniere himself painted the picture of Mary Magdalene for the front of the altar. Strangest of all, carved above the porch of the church are the words of Jacob at Bethel, spoken the morning after he had seen the vision of the angels ascending and descending a ladder that led to Heaven: Terribilis est locus iste, 'This is a fearful place.'"