Is this the Castillon pin-up girl at a younger age?
Still watching for the bears! Am I permitted to call you Jill or shall we keep it formal?
Attaching picture of the "mystery woman." Is it Semiramis? Maybe some other woman Rodrigo was involved with. Is it Mademoiselle Senza perhaps? Whoever she was. Was she Semiramis? All these unanswerable questions. La Senza couldn't have been his daughter as I understand his only child Paolina died in infancy and that could have been the cause of the rift between Rodrigo and Elena. Of course he could have married again and had more children or she could have been a love-child who he acknowledged. What I need is a Time Machine or some form of retrogression. Your friend Marlene King does she ever do any ghost writing?
Colin AH
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